Sunday 17 January 2016

Have I lost my head ?

No but using a computer without a screen is much easier then you think , and in an age where tablet is king it has more advantages then you may think 

Sunday 13 May 2012

Silver goat a film released as an app for the ipad

The silver goat is the first movie to be released as an app and could start a trend

The film is a psychological drama with some dark comedy thrown in, the story , set amongst some iconic locations in london, follows the story of an Actress that falls for an American playwright much to the dismay of her father
Much like you'd expect with a DVD the app includes some extras, such as a trailer, profiles of the cast as well as an exclusive galley of images
Check out the trailer on YouTube
The silver goat trailer

Saturday 5 May 2012

Trend for spoof comical reviews on Amazon

There is new trend hitting the Internet, arguably driven by people with far too much spare time on their hands

By selecting totally random products these individuals create laughable reviews sometimes for products that would otherwise would not get a second look in.

Recent examples reported in the guardian tech pages list include over 470 reviews of a canvas print of Paul Ross, one eager reviewer going as far as to like it to one of the great depictions of the Christ in Renaissance paintings.
Also getting the treatment is a jigsaw puzzle is an ex member if he finance team for Man united.

My favourite though was an amusing list of reviews for aluminium foil
Link to amazon review

Most of the reviews here point to using the foil as a protection against Lien invaders

Not sure where in the list of reviews this comes, but obviously someone thought this would make an amusing hat , if not practical for their cat

Credit to Jamie Doward and Emma Craig at the guardian for this news story
The article in the Guardian

Wednesday 2 May 2012

ISPs ordered to block access to Pirate Bay

Britain’s High Court — not the highest, but well up the ladder — has officially ordered Internet service providers to block Sweden-based file-sharing site The Pirate Bay. That means top British ISPs must shut off access to the site as soon as possible. ISPs Everything Everywhere, O2, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media have said they will, while a sixth, BT, has asked for a few weeks to mull over whether it will comply or not.

The Pirate Bay hosts “torrent” files that let users connect with each other to download or share information — in principle, a legitimate activity. But The Pirate Bay has become synonymous since it launched in 2003 with sharing copyrighted information, ranging from music, games and TV shows to e-books, audiobooks and illicit camera recordings of theatrical releases. In 2009, the site’s founders were found guilty of promoting copyright infringement by a Swedish court and sentenced to several months in prison as well as multimillion dollar fines (Sweden’s Supreme Court refused to hear their appeal in February 2012). And according to the British Phonographic Industry (via BBC News), “Sites like The Pirate Bay destroy jobs in the UK and undermine investment in new British artists.”

Read more:

Source TIme Techland

Sunday 18 March 2012

Digital Economy Bill makes Internet file sharing illegal

This may sound like old news, in fact the law was passed way back in April 2010, but has not had very much media attention since that time. This is probably mainly due to the complexities of enforcing it, but within the last two weeks two major ISPs have lost their appeal which would see some relaxation in their responsibilities in enforcing the law.

In simple terms the ISPs will now have to write to users who access and download content from file sharing sites, they should be warning them that their activity is illegal with the threat of cutting the users off if they do not stop the activity.

Although the ISP's have lost what appears to be their final appeal, there is likely to be quite some delay, maybe as much as 3 or 4 months before any enforcement can be made. One of the major issues facing the ISP's will be the cost of implementing the law, there is no doubt that they will need to set up a process to accurately track the use of these sites, and also set up a process to deal with users, and to deal with disputes.

This delay may give opportunity to water down the legislation, or perhaps give time to present evidence that the act will not have significant effect on the very process it is designed to tackle

Parallels could be drawn to a similar act in place in France, where the has been no evidence of benefit to music sales. Some would also argue that the practice of downloading is so commonplace, that to remove all users who fall foul of this law could have immeasurable harm the economy.

A final thought on this is that I am in no doubt that whether or not this law is imposed successfully in this country there will be ways found to get fond this. In my opinion what is needed as a licence to download from such sites, with the proceeds from this being given back to a central copyright fund.

Sources for this story are

BBC News

Saturday 17 March 2012

Grab the video part II


These instructions are intended for use for TV programs broadcast in the same country where it is to be viewed, and where no infringement of copyright is taking place

Another way to download video is the use of share sites

This option is probably more popular at the moment but in my opinion not quite as stable at NNTP, with at least one share service downgrading their service to only provide a service to store personal files (so not really a share service at all !)

The popularity of this kind of downloading is underpinned by a good number of index sites, blog sites and forums, facilitating a fast route to hunting down a copy of the video you are after

The big advantage here is most sites provide screen shots (caps) of the video so you can be sure you are not only downloading the correct program, some give access to external film of TV database sites, and some even have feedback from other users, sometimes essential if you want to avoid the occasional dud download

Here are the top sites I recommend (in no particular order)

The links listed on these sites are hosted at share sites which are all subscription based, most files will be encoded as RAR files and will need unpacking

Any unzip tool should be cater for this file format, the one I use is Free and is 7 Zip


Head to their site and grab the download